Need our help? Not to worry, you can reach out to a member of our HIVED Customer Support team in one of the following methods:
1. Reaching out to us on live chat is the quickest way to speak to a member of our HIVED Customer Support team. To access live chat, click the yellow circle in the bottom corner of this page. There’s a real person on the other side who can solve any query, so please reach out should you need any support or guidance!
2. You can also send an email to Please include as much helpful information in the email (such as your tracking ID and the issue you are experiencing) so our team is set up for success to support you from there.
Our HIVED Customer Support team is available to help, between 9am and 8pm, seven days a week. If you happen to reach out to us outside of those hours, don’t worry — if you leave a message for us we will get back to you in the morning!